Registration & Immunizations
Welcome! If you are new to the area, are coming back after a leave, or have a child who will be entering kindergarten in the fall, this page contains all the information you need to register your child for school.
Registration Requirements
Please provide the following to enroll at Elgin School:
- Parent identification
- If the student is living with someone other than their parent(s), you must show proof of legal guardianship.
- A parent/guardian must accompany the student at the time of enrollment.
- Original Certified Birth Certificate
- Proof of residency (must show physical address)
- Immunization records
- If school is already in session, you must provide us with a withdrawal from the previous school.
To obtain registration information, please complete the online form and our registrar will contact you with enrollment information. For any questions, please contact Melissa Paul via email or phone at (520) 455-5514, ext. 300.

Melissa Paul
Office Manager / Registrar / Food Services
Send Email
Open Enrollment Registration
Open Enrollment is currently closed; the district is not accepting any students who reside out of the Sonoita District boundaries.